Beanie Baby Dress    .....compliments of Small Wonders


1. Cut pattern pieces (LxW):
Front 7”x10”
Backs 7”x5”
Sleeves 5”x5”
Bias neckband 5½”x 1½”

2. Mark armhole curves on front and backs. Do not cut out yet.

3. Pleat 6 rows on front. Smock according to graph.

4. Sew front and backs to sleeves (¼” seams). Now cut armhole curves.

5. Narrow hem sleeve edge.

6. Zig-zag 2½” of 1/8”elastic one half inch from sleeve edge.

7 Sew underarm seam.

8. Finish center back edges. Hem dress.

9. Gather neck edge and attach bias band.

10. Sew snaps or velcro for center back closure.


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